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classnames library composes well!

This is an unpublished draft from 6 years ago. Unpublished until now, that is.

The classnames library is a very handy tool to apply CSS classes conditionally in JavaScript components. Since the output of the function is just a string, this can be composed very well on multiple conditionals layered on on various parts of the code.

For example, consider the following:

import cx from 'classnames';

switch (type) {
  case: 'textarea':
    const textareaClassNames = cx('text-area', 'text-input', 'invalid': !this.state.valid);
    return <textarea className={textareaClassNames} />
    const inputClassNames = cx('text-input', 'invalid': !this.state.valid);
    return <input type={type} className={inputClassNames} />

The class-names are the same except for one extra item in the case of textarea type input field. Until today, I would’ve done something like the above example, since I never bothered to look at the actual output of the call. A quick glance at the source code of the library made it evident that the library would enable composition with output of another classname-generated value (which is a String). So that code can be simplified to:

import cx from 'classnames';
const className = cx('text-input', 'invalid': !this.state.valid);

switch (type) {
  case: 'textarea':
    return <textarea className={cx(className, 'text-area')} />
    return <input type={type} className={className} />

Much better.

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